Sunday, December 14, 2014

Lewis dot structure

The past week in class we learned about the Lewis Structure. There are 2 different ways to draw the Lewis dot structure. To determine which one you do depends it the bond is ionic or covalent. To determine whether its an ionic or covalent you must look at the characteristics of the bond. An ionic bond is hard and brittle, must be a good conductor,is most soluble in water, has a high melting and boiling point, and must be a metal and nonmetal. A ionic bond is a transfer of electrons. A covalent bond is soft, a poor conductor,is most insoluble in water, has a low melting point and boiling point. A covalent bond is a sharing of electrons.  You must count all of the valance electrons, which is the same as its group number.We also learned the octet rule which is most atoms want 8 electrons in their valance shell. Bonds are formed so each atom can complete their octet. Atoms can complete their octet by gaining, loosing or sharing electrons. All atoms want 8 electrons except H and He which only want 2 and Boron which only wants 6. A Ionic bond is a electrical attraction between a positive and negative. A covalent bond is a sharing of electrons. To draw the Lewis dot structure for a ionic bond you must transfer electrons from one atom to another to complete the octet rule.
 A Lewis dot structure for a covalent bond is similar to an ionic bond but instead of transferring the electrons they share them with a line.The lines you draw represent two electrons. H or He never go in the middle due to the fact they can only have one line to them because they only need 2 electrons. As well as single bonds that only have one line between two elements, there are double and triple bonds.Double bonds share two lines which is four electrons and triple bonds share three lines which is 6 electrons. Halogens NEVER form multiple bonds.
An incomplete octet is a bond that doesn't complete the octet rule, which is eight electrons each. A Expanded octet is a bond with more than four elements sharing electrons.

I really enjoyed the way you taught this lesson with the worksheets. I understood this lesson more than any other lesson so far this year. I still have questions about a Poly atomic ion because I do not know how to draw it. On top of learning about covalent and ionic bonds, I also finally learned that to the left of the stair step is metals and to the right is nonmetal. The hardest thing to remember for me is that Hydrogen and Helium only want two electrons and Boron that only wants 6 unlike the rest that want 8 electrons. I perfer drawing covalent bond Lewis Structure because I personally think its easier to draw the lines than the dots. I think I liked this lesson so much because once you remember the basics you can do it to any element.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Since many of us are Juniors in high school we have to start thinking about what we want to do in our future. For many of us our next step will be college. Well if you are anything like me you have no idea where to go? There are 12 public university's just in Florida alone. These university include University of Florida, University of Central Florida, Florida Southern University, University of North Florida, and University of South Florida, just to name a few. If you'd prefer a smaller college there is around 30 state colleges one located in lakeland, Polk State college. There is also private colleges and university s , 2 which are located in lakeland, Florida Southern and Southeastern. No matter where you want to go there is a college for you in Florida. When picking a college there is many important things to look at such as the cost. Your community college's would be the cheapest and your private university's would be the most expensive. However you can almost afford any college you want threw finical aid and scholarships. When picking a college you must also see if they offer a degree in whatever you want to do. Many colleges have special schools for degrees, for example the University of Florida has a Vet school so if I was interested in being a vet id go to that school. Finally before you decide on a college you should go to it and tour the campus. Many colleges provide you with a student or tour guide to show you everything about the school. Each college has its own special things about it.University of North Florida is located in Jax and a 5 minute drive to the beach and very good restaurants and shopping. Florida Atlantic University and Florida Gulf Coast University are also located very close to the beach. University of Florida and Florida State are well known for their Football teams as well as the party's. Colleges like University of South Florida and University of Central Florida are located generally in the middle of Florida and only a short drive from lakeland. When picking your college you should ask yourself some questions. Do you want a big or small school? How much do you want to pay? What do you want your college to have? How close to home do you want to be? Are you going to live on campus? What are you going to major in? I personally am going to apply for Florida Southern, Florida Southern University  ,and University of North Florida. I love how close Florida southern is to home but also how beautiful the campus is located on the lake. I love everything about Florida state, from their football team to the beautiful campus. My personal favorite however is University of North Florida. There is many things i love about it. For starters Its a relatively small school but not too small, its located 5 minutes from the beach and a great outdoorsy campus.It just got a brand new two story gym ( much like University of Central Florida's new gym).UNF has many nature trails that you can walk , run or bike. They also have a lake where you can rent paddle boards.There honestly not much i don't like about University of North Florida. I plan to go to one of these 3 colleges with a major in Criminology and a minor in Physiology.Before we all start applying to college we've got to do many things. For Starters we have to focus on our grades and try to maintain a GPA of 3.7 or higher. We also have to take SAT and ACT. Once we have completed this we actually have to go threw the application process which normally includes an essay and alot of paper work. When the time finally comes and hopefully you get accepted into the college of your choice, you still have alot of work to do including getting ready for college. Once you are at college its time to have fun. Many University have Sororitys and Fraternity you can get involved in. If that's not your thing they also have sports and clubs. University of North Florida has a surfing club, Fishing club and a Fitness club just to name a few.The most important thing out of all of this is to have fun. You are only in high school for four years and for many of us we only have 2 left. So make the best of it. Whatever college I pick im going to have fun because I come from lakeland and we know how to turn up, ya feel?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Science By Numbers

To be accurate is to be right on or very close to the actual number. Precision is how close the numbers are to each other., This website gives further information on Accuracy vs Precision.

Significant figures or "sig figs" are  
           1) ALL non-zero numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) are ALWAYS significant.
    2) ALL zeroes between non-zero numbers are ALWAYS significant.
    3) ALL zeroes which are SIMULTANEOUSLY to the right of the decimal point AND at the end of the number are ALWAYS significant.
    4) ALL zeroes which are to the left of a written decimal point and are in a number >= 10 are ALWAYS significant.
    Further information on sig figs can be found at where i got the 4 rules listed above.

Getting to know me

Hi, My name is Faith Woodard. I'm 16 years old and attend Lake Gibson high school. I love playing soccer and hanging out with my friends. The beach is my favorite place to be but i love to travel any where. I really enjoy high school and don't want it to be over soon. I hope get ready for college in my chemistry class by doing assignments like this blog. I value hard work and responsibility. I think those are 2 major things you need to achieve in life. In college I plan on getting a degree in marketing so I can use it for many different things. I plan on once graduating college to move to New York City and pursue a future in the fashion industry. To successfully achieve these goals I must be responsible and make responsible decision when it comes to my future. I must also plan to work hard to not only graduate high school and college but to be successful in New York. This blog is a way for me to express everything I learn in chemistry wheterh its science lessons or important life leassons. Its a way for me to put everything im learning into words so i can read it in the future. Its also a way for other classmates to see what im learning.Anything and Everything I learn can be put on this blog for future refrences for test such as midterms and Finals.